
Standing Run 010

This was the tenth of a series of standing runs, of indefinite length, for as long as the composition of the slices remained consistent. We're thus no longer writing up results or comments on this page; we expect to create some visualization tools for the raw log data, but haven't yet. (Or switch to using some real I&M tools, at some point.)

In this run, we added the Wisconsin InstaGENI rack, and added back in all of the ExoGENI racks (after they were done being reserved for GEC 18).

The hostpair tables below use SSH aliases (from my ~/.ssh/config file); there are SSH config fragments defining those aliases in the log directory below. (Three of them this time, because the Houston ExoGENI VMs had to be re-created after an extended outage destroyed all slivers in the rack, then the BBN and FIU EG slivers after emergency maintenance on those racks, and at the same time three of the Northwestern slivers because of a power outage there.)

The files are:

  • 00ssh_config_1 for the aliases as of 2013-11-01
  • 00ssh_config_2 for the aliases as of 2013-11-07
  • 00ssh_config_3 for the aliases as of 2013-11-08

This run used Zoing to manage the experiments, which launches hour-long runs out of cron, logging each experiment to a separate file.

The raw logs are at, and run from 2013-11-01 through 2013-11-11.

Everything below this point was automatically generated by the script that manages the other aspects of the slice configuration.

Slices and aggregates

This table shows a quick summary of which aggregates appear in which slices.

Aggregate ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
bbn-exogeni ps103 ps108
bbn-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
clemson-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106
fiu-exogeni ps104 ps107
gatech-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106
houston-exogeni ps105 ps110
illinois-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
kentucky-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
kettering-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
max-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
missouri-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
northwestern-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
nysernet-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
nyu-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
princeton-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
renci-exogeni ps106 ps109
sox-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106
utah-protogeni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
utahddc-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110
wisconsin-instageni ps103 ps104 ps105 ps106 ps107 ps108 ps109 ps110


SteadyPerf TCP, using port=5103, time=3300, and this table of source/destination pairs:

source destination
bbn-eg-ps103-a utahddc-ig-ps103-b
bbn-ig-ps103-a kentucky-ig-ps103-b
clemson-ig-ps103-a bbn-ig-ps103-b
gatech-ig-ps103-a bbn-eg-ps103-b
illinois-ig-ps103-a nysernet-ig-ps103-b
kentucky-ig-ps103-a nyu-ig-ps103-b
kettering-ig-ps103-a gatech-ig-ps103-b
max-ig-ps103-a princeton-ig-ps103-b
missouri-ig-ps103-a northwestern-ig-ps103-b
northwestern-ig-ps103-a kettering-ig-ps103-b
nysernet-ig-ps103-a utah-pg-ps103-b
nyu-ig-ps103-a missouri-ig-ps103-b
princeton-ig-ps103-a clemson-ig-ps103-b
sox-ig-ps103-a wisconsin-ig-ps103-b
utah-pg-ps103-a max-ig-ps103-b
utahddc-ig-ps103-a sox-ig-ps103-b
wisconsin-ig-ps103-a illinois-ig-ps103-b

Commands run on each destination

nice -n 19 iperf -B $ZOING_DST -p 5103 -s -i 1 -w 1m

Commands run on each source

until echo '' | nc $ZOING_DST 5103 ; do sleep 1 ; done ; nice -n 19 iperf -c $ZOING_DST -p 5103 -t 3300 -w 1m


SteadyPerf TCP, using port=5104, time=3300, and this table of source/destination pairs:

source destination
bbn-ig-ps104-a max-ig-ps104-b
clemson-ig-ps104-a kettering-ig-ps104-b
fiu-eg-ps104-a gatech-ig-ps104-b
gatech-ig-ps104-a bbn-ig-ps104-b
illinois-ig-ps104-a wisconsin-ig-ps104-b
kentucky-ig-ps104-a sox-ig-ps104-b
kettering-ig-ps104-a utahddc-ig-ps104-b
max-ig-ps104-a northwestern-ig-ps104-b
missouri-ig-ps104-a illinois-ig-ps104-b
northwestern-ig-ps104-a utah-pg-ps104-b
nysernet-ig-ps104-a nyu-ig-ps104-b
nyu-ig-ps104-a fiu-eg-ps104-b
princeton-ig-ps104-a missouri-ig-ps104-b
sox-ig-ps104-a clemson-ig-ps104-b
utah-pg-ps104-a kentucky-ig-ps104-b
utahddc-ig-ps104-a princeton-ig-ps104-b
wisconsin-ig-ps104-a nysernet-ig-ps104-b

Commands run on each destination

nice -n 19 iperf -B $ZOING_DST -p 5104 -s -i 1 -w 1m

Commands run on each source

until echo '' | nc $ZOING_DST 5104 ; do sleep 1 ; done ; nice -n 19 iperf -c $ZOING_DST -p 5104 -t 3300 -w 1m


SteadyPerf TCP, using port=5105, time=3300, and this table of source/destination pairs:

source destination
bbn-ig-ps105-a missouri-ig-ps105-b
clemson-ig-ps105-a wisconsin-ig-ps105-b
gatech-ig-ps105-a kettering-ig-ps105-b
houston-eg-ps105-a kentucky-ig-ps105-b
illinois-ig-ps105-a utah-pg-ps105-b
kentucky-ig-ps105-a bbn-ig-ps105-b
kettering-ig-ps105-a princeton-ig-ps105-b
max-ig-ps105-a gatech-ig-ps105-b
missouri-ig-ps105-a illinois-ig-ps105-b
northwestern-ig-ps105-a sox-ig-ps105-b
nysernet-ig-ps105-a nyu-ig-ps105-b
nyu-ig-ps105-a max-ig-ps105-b
princeton-ig-ps105-a northwestern-ig-ps105-b
sox-ig-ps105-a utahddc-ig-ps105-b
utah-pg-ps105-a clemson-ig-ps105-b
utahddc-ig-ps105-a houston-eg-ps105-b
wisconsin-ig-ps105-a nysernet-ig-ps105-b

Commands run on each destination

nice -n 19 iperf -B $ZOING_DST -p 5105 -s -i 1 -w 1m

Commands run on each source

until echo '' | nc $ZOING_DST 5105 ; do sleep 1 ; done ; nice -n 19 iperf -c $ZOING_DST -p 5105 -t 3300 -w 1m


SteadyPerf TCP, using port=5106, time=3300, and this table of source/destination pairs:

source destination
bbn-ig-ps106-a nyu-ig-ps106-b
clemson-ig-ps106-a northwestern-ig-ps106-b
gatech-ig-ps106-a missouri-ig-ps106-b
illinois-ig-ps106-a kentucky-ig-ps106-b
kentucky-ig-ps106-a clemson-ig-ps106-b
kettering-ig-ps106-a illinois-ig-ps106-b
max-ig-ps106-a utahddc-ig-ps106-b
missouri-ig-ps106-a kettering-ig-ps106-b
northwestern-ig-ps106-a utah-pg-ps106-b
nysernet-ig-ps106-a sox-ig-ps106-b
nyu-ig-ps106-a nysernet-ig-ps106-b
princeton-ig-ps106-a max-ig-ps106-b
renci-eg-ps106-a gatech-ig-ps106-b
sox-ig-ps106-a renci-eg-ps106-b
utah-pg-ps106-a princeton-ig-ps106-b
utahddc-ig-ps106-a wisconsin-ig-ps106-b
wisconsin-ig-ps106-a bbn-ig-ps106-b

Commands run on each destination

nice -n 19 iperf -B $ZOING_DST -p 5106 -s -i 1 -w 1m

Commands run on each source

until echo '' | nc $ZOING_DST 5106 ; do sleep 1 ; done ; nice -n 19 iperf -c $ZOING_DST -p 5106 -t 3300 -w 1m


SteadyPerf UDP, using port=5107, time=3300, rate=2, and this table of source/destination pairs:

source destination
bbn-ig-ps107-a kentucky-ig-ps107-b
fiu-eg-ps107-a kettering-ig-ps107-b
illinois-ig-ps107-a wisconsin-ig-ps107-b
kentucky-ig-ps107-a illinois-ig-ps107-b
kettering-ig-ps107-a utah-pg-ps107-b
max-ig-ps107-a fiu-eg-ps107-b
missouri-ig-ps107-a bbn-ig-ps107-b
northwestern-ig-ps107-a princeton-ig-ps107-b
nysernet-ig-ps107-a utahddc-ig-ps107-b
nyu-ig-ps107-a northwestern-ig-ps107-b
princeton-ig-ps107-a missouri-ig-ps107-b
utah-pg-ps107-a nysernet-ig-ps107-b
utahddc-ig-ps107-a nyu-ig-ps107-b
wisconsin-ig-ps107-a max-ig-ps107-b

Commands run on each destination

nice -n 19 iperf -u -B $ZOING_DST -p 5107 -s -i 1

Commands run on each source

nice -n 19 iperf -u -c $ZOING_DST -p 5107 -t 3300 -b 2M


SteadyPerf UDP, using port=5108, time=3300, rate=3, and this table of source/destination pairs:

source destination
bbn-eg-ps108-a max-ig-ps108-b
bbn-ig-ps108-a northwestern-ig-ps108-b
illinois-ig-ps108-a kentucky-ig-ps108-b
kentucky-ig-ps108-a utahddc-ig-ps108-b
kettering-ig-ps108-a missouri-ig-ps108-b
max-ig-ps108-a nysernet-ig-ps108-b
missouri-ig-ps108-a illinois-ig-ps108-b
northwestern-ig-ps108-a nyu-ig-ps108-b
nysernet-ig-ps108-a kettering-ig-ps108-b
nyu-ig-ps108-a bbn-eg-ps108-b
princeton-ig-ps108-a utah-pg-ps108-b
utah-pg-ps108-a wisconsin-ig-ps108-b
utahddc-ig-ps108-a princeton-ig-ps108-b
wisconsin-ig-ps108-a bbn-ig-ps108-b

Commands run on each destination

nice -n 19 iperf -u -B $ZOING_DST -p 5108 -s -i 1

Commands run on each source

nice -n 19 iperf -u -c $ZOING_DST -p 5108 -t 3300 -b 3M


SteadyPerf UDP, using port=5109, time=3300, rate=4, and this table of source/destination pairs:

source destination
bbn-ig-ps109-a renci-eg-ps109-b
illinois-ig-ps109-a princeton-ig-ps109-b
kentucky-ig-ps109-a illinois-ig-ps109-b
kettering-ig-ps109-a utahddc-ig-ps109-b
max-ig-ps109-a utah-pg-ps109-b
missouri-ig-ps109-a max-ig-ps109-b
northwestern-ig-ps109-a nysernet-ig-ps109-b
nysernet-ig-ps109-a nyu-ig-ps109-b
nyu-ig-ps109-a wisconsin-ig-ps109-b
princeton-ig-ps109-a missouri-ig-ps109-b
renci-eg-ps109-a kentucky-ig-ps109-b
utah-pg-ps109-a northwestern-ig-ps109-b
utahddc-ig-ps109-a bbn-ig-ps109-b
wisconsin-ig-ps109-a kettering-ig-ps109-b

Commands run on each destination

nice -n 19 iperf -u -B $ZOING_DST -p 5109 -s -i 1

Commands run on each source

nice -n 19 iperf -u -c $ZOING_DST -p 5109 -t 3300 -b 4M


SteadyPerf UDP, using port=5110, time=3300, rate=5, and this table of source/destination pairs:

source destination
bbn-ig-ps110-a houston-eg-ps110-b
houston-eg-ps110-a utahddc-ig-ps110-b
illinois-ig-ps110-a missouri-ig-ps110-b
kentucky-ig-ps110-a illinois-ig-ps110-b
kettering-ig-ps110-a nyu-ig-ps110-b
max-ig-ps110-a northwestern-ig-ps110-b
missouri-ig-ps110-a kettering-ig-ps110-b
northwestern-ig-ps110-a kentucky-ig-ps110-b
nysernet-ig-ps110-a princeton-ig-ps110-b
nyu-ig-ps110-a wisconsin-ig-ps110-b
princeton-ig-ps110-a max-ig-ps110-b
utah-pg-ps110-a bbn-ig-ps110-b
utahddc-ig-ps110-a nysernet-ig-ps110-b
wisconsin-ig-ps110-a utah-pg-ps110-b

Commands run on each destination

nice -n 19 iperf -u -B $ZOING_DST -p 5110 -s -i 1

Commands run on each source

nice -n 19 iperf -u -c $ZOING_DST -p 5110 -t 3300 -b 5M
Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 11/11/13 16:15:07