
Intro to OpenFlow using OVS

Image Map

Step 1. Obtain resources across two racks

This tutorial can use compute resources from InstaGENI racks that support stitching. For a list of available InstaGENI racks that support stitching see the GeniNetworkStitchingSites page. The experiment will need:

  • 1 Xen VM with a public IP to be an OpenFlow controller
  • 1 Xen VM to be the OpenFlow switch
  • 3 Xen VMs as hosts

If you are attending a Tutorial, the resources might have been reserved for you, check with your instructor and skip this step. You can use any reservation tool you want to reserve this topology. We will need two slices for this tutorial:

  • A slice with a single VM that runs your OpenFlow controller
  • An slice the reserves your compute resources including a VM with OVS installed.

To reserve resources use your favorite resource reservation tool (Omni, Portal, jFed):

  1. In your slice that will run the OpenFlow controller: Reserve a VM running the controller using the request RSpec This RSpec is available at the Portal and is called "XEN VM POX Ctrl"
  2. In the slice that will run your hosts do the following to reserve your topology:
    1. In Jacks, load this rspec This RSpec is available at the Portal and is called "OpenFlow OVS all XEN"
    2. Add a new site
    3. Drag one of your hosts (NOT THE OVS SWITCH) to the new site
    4. Assign a specific aggregate to each site (make sure it supports stitching, GeniNetworkStitchingSites )
    5. Hit reserve


Next: Execute

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on 10/22/14 08:43:14